Keyword Research

Keyword Research

Where to Start Finding Your Target Keywords?

5 Modern Keyword Research Methods.

Highlights from Neil Patel’s Quicksprout Blog…

Keyword research methods that you can use to uncover keywords that haven’t been targeted by hundreds or thousands of your competitors.

Understand what keyword research really is

Keyword research is an art, not a science.

While there are some good tools out there, they should be the start of your research, not the end.

1 What your audience’s main problems are… Create your content around the most popular problems.
2 The language they use… Understand which words your reader uses to describe problems… write more compelling content.
3 Which topics are becoming more important or less important over time…

Find the questions your readers are asking.

The best keywords are the ones that come from your readers themselves… is a handy little tool that can be used to generate content ideas or keyword ideas… discover search behaviour or Scrape a forum for the best keywords.

Steal your competitor’s accidental keywords…

Use Google’s Keyword Planner: Go to the keyword planner and paste the URL of a competitor in the space where it asks for “your landing page”. Leave the keyword textbox blank. The main blog URL typically works best.

Twitter chats are a gold mine…

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket…

Now that you have a large list of potential keywords to target, you should run them through a keyword tool to get even more results that might not show up on a standard Google keyword planner list.

There are a few different tools you can use for this.

Tool #1 – … types in your keyword plus different letters, one at a time, and records the autocomplete suggestions.

Tool #2 – Term Explorer

Follow this link to the whole article, with tips, screenshots & step-by-step instructions at


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